sábado, 20 de mayo de 2017

Spelling with surprises

Can you spell the next "words"? Try it, try it...

·         I.1.2.C.U
·         R.U.O.K?
·         I´s T
·         I.C.U
·         E.Z
·         B.Z
·         1.4.U
·         I.1.T
·         I.8
·         U.2
·         Y?
·         C.U.@.9
·         2.E.Z.4.U
·         A.B.S.E.Z.2.C
·         I.M.N.A.C.T
·         I.C.U.R

If you can't discover the sentences, clic here.

viernes, 12 de mayo de 2017

Trademarks in English

Do you translate some trademarks into Spanish?
Try to translate the next:

As you can see, better, don't do it!!